Heart Centered Awareness (HCA) is a journey of deep introspection enabling us to tap into the power, beauty and wisdom of our own hearts
HCA is ... ... a way to be with ourselves and in the world with compassion, curiosity and courage. In a world that is wildly uncertain, practicing HCA builds inner strengths that help us gain clarity and navigate the stormy waters of life more gracefully.
HCA is a practice that allows us to …
reclaim our joy, and connect with our authentic best self.
navigate a challenging world with confidence and resilience.
build healthy, reliable connections to ourselves, others and the world.
gain clarity about who we are, what we are doing and how we can contribute to the change that is needed in order to create a sustainable future on this planet.
The four pillars of HCA
Comprehensive Present Moment Awareness The journey of HCA starts with training our awareness. This is the foundation for a deeper connection with ourselves and what is around us. Reconnecting with the sensations in our bodies is the first and most essential step. Becoming a compassionate and curious observer of our inner and outer reality is an exciting process that helps us to be more centered, calm and resourceful in our day to day life.
Self-Compassion Self-Compassion is the game changer. Being at our own side, tending and befriending our suffering, is a revolutionary act in the highly competitive, judgmental and often cruel world we have created. Self-compassion helps to calm the inner critic, allows us to thaw frozen feelings and regain a sense of worthiness and belonging. Once we make a deep commitment to cultivate compassion our internal landscape changes, becoming brighter and a more fertile ground for deep and lasting well-being.
Curious Inquiry Our actions and our behavior are based on our values, beliefs and conditioning. Investigating those building blocks of our individual and collective reality is vital for choosing and creating a more meaningful life where we can live and love wholeheartedly.
Including the bigger picture It is easy to overlook that there is a larger picture a larger framework that needs to be taken into account when we are dealing with the challenges of our personal lives. Our seemingly personal problems are often an expression of a systemic problem that is rooted in our modern way of life and other factors. When we realize that our struggles are a natural reaction to living in a toxic and dysfunctional system it is easier to let them go and choose a new path.
Heart Centered Awareness is a way to befriend life again